Firstly you need to pass an instance on IResourceLinker and the NancyContext to your view. This works just like passing any other object from the handler to the view - in your Nancy module you have your route handler pass the IResoureLinker and NancyContext objects as part of the model to the view you want to render:
The NancyContext must passed along with the IResourceLinker, since Nancy.Linker needs it to generate links. Once you've done this you are almost ready to use Nancy.Linker in your Razor code, but first you need a little bit of web.config gymnasitcs. This is because IResouceLinkker returns System.Uri objects, which Razor does not know about unless you tell it where to look. To tell Razor, add this to your web.config:
Refer to the Nancy documentation for a proper explanation of this.
Having added the web.config snippet you can go ahead and use Nancy.Linker to generate links in the Razor code:
That's all folks!